Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday QuickTip #37 – August 11, 2009

Have you seen those deep wine and plum lip colors on the shelves (think Megan Fox), but aren’t sure how to pull them off?

As fall approaches, these shades become more popular. Brett shares his advice for rocking a punky dark lip color with style and confidence.

Click below for the inside scoop!

1. To ease into deep shades, try a sheer gloss version. The shade in the tube will have a huge color impact, but it goes on sheer and lets your natural lip shine through. Kind of like the stain from a lollipop!

2. If you want more of a goth, matte look, try a lipstick form. Beware though, the deep, solid pigment in lipsticks can be a bit aging. Brett typically prefers a gloss format.

3. Go sparse on eye makeup – save the smoky eyes for another time. Only one feature on your face should pop, and with a dark pucker, you want all the attention on your lips. You still want lots o’ lash though… maybe try the silver liner trick (Quick Tip #29!).